Monday, March 16, 2015

10 months.

As much as I love seeing this little girl of ours grow and develop, I feel a little denial creeping into the back of my mind when I think of my baby girl turning one in exactly 2 months.  Miss Rylee is no longer my helpless little infant and is looking more and more like a "big girl" every day!

At 10 months Rylee...

- is crawling!  No more scooting around on her head and the heels of her feet (which I kinda miss... it was HILARIOUS when she did it).

- pulls herself up onto everything.  Did I say everything?  Because I mean ev-ery-THING!  Kitchen chairs, the kitchen table, couches, beanbags, bookshelves, end tables, bed frames, cedar chest, cribs, drawers... anything that her long little fingers can reach with the help of her tiny little toes on their very tippy toes.  Baby-proofing is going on at the Kussee home like nobody's business.

- is in the process of growing and popping out her top two teefies!  Teething is not for the faint-hearted.  Good thing this girl is made of tough stuff!  She's only had one rough night of being up because of those vicious-bony-enameled-white-daggers torturing her gums.  Poor thing.

- on a similar note, is loving anything cold and hard to gnaw on.  Frozen waffles, frozen peas, frozen bananas, frozen otter pops (to just gnaw on, not to eat) are among the many things we've tried.  The waffles are a life-saver at the moment.  It might help that Ry-Ry loves any new textures too, which means waffles are her new love!  Maybe a trip to Waffluv is needed in the near future (for Ry-Ry and her parents...).

- In addition to frozen foods, she loves cheese quesadillas, scrambled eggs, Cheerios, peas, bananas, chicken, cheese sticks, baby puffs, yogurt bites, apples, cubed sweet potatoes, graham crackers, homemade whole wheat bread (her favorite!), and whatever is on Mama and Daddy's plate at dinnertime.  Girl loves her food.  Just like her mama and daddy.

- waves bye-bye!  It started out as a backward wave (waving to herself) and has slowly evolved into the right waving technique of curling her fingers and waving her whole arm.  It's adorable.  And has melted many a visitor in the Kussee home.

- eats everything in sight (except for honey, strawberries, citrus, and nuts- per doctors orders about waiting until she's 12 months for those).  She's also become a stink about feeding herself!  Finger foods to the rescue.  I feel like we need a drop cloth at every mealtime.  Here's to keeping the broom handy!

- smacks her lips when she likes something she's eating and wants more.  Cutest little thing!

- still loves her Mr. Bear.  All stuffed animals really.  When she's happy to see them she grabs them, bends in half, and nuzzles her face into them and laughs.  One of the cutest baby things I've ever witnessed.  The girl loves animals- stuffed and alive!

- loves smiling.  When she grins, it's a full on wrinkle-your-nose-and-crinkle-your-eyes smile.

- loves when Daddy comes home!  She listens for every sound at the door around the time he usually gets home.  No matter what she's doing when he gets home she has a special smile for her Daddy!

- loves going on walks in her stroller and being outside.  This girl loves so many things already- it's going to be so fun to see what she ends up liking as she gets older!

- splashes during bath time and thinks the rubber ducky song is the greatest!  Especially when we sing it in Kermit the Frog's voice.

- nuzzles and cuddles into our chests  which gets her just about anything she wants.  Is it just me or are baby cuddles on of the best feelings in the world?

- babbles all day long saying mama, dada, nana, baba.

- took her first two steps on March 7th!  I can barely handle how fast she's been growing up this past month.

- loves loves loves to R-U-N.  She loves holding onto our fingers and running all over the place.  Her little legs really get going and it's hilarious to watch how fast she gets going.  I have a feeling that once she really gets a handle on walking by herself she'll skip right to running.

- is learning the meaning of "no."  In so many different ways.  Especially when it comes to not going near the toilet or the garbage in the bathroom.

- is a little attached to her mama.  But not so much that we can't leave her with a babysitter to go on a date every week or so.  With all of this teething and daylight savings going on, the girl gets what she wants.  She does great with a babysitter, until they try to give her a bottle.  She'll still go down to sleep pretty easily for a babysitter and she does just fine eating solid food for them.  So she doesn't starve to death until she gets fed the following morning....

- has kept the nicknames: Ry-Ry, Rylee Girl, Peanut

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