Saturday, May 16, 2015

1 year old

Happy first birthday Rylee girl!  This year has been one of the most fulfilling of our lives.  We couldn't be happier that you chose to join our family.  The absolute joy and love we feel for you is unlike any other.  We love you in a way that only a parent can love their child.  We love you, Ry Ry!

At one year Rylee,

-is walking all over the place!  The last thing she needs to really learn is how to stand up without pulling herself up on something first.  She walks with her hands up in the air and is still a little wobbly, but she can walk from the kitchen to the bathroom, takes a little break, and then takes off towards the living room.  Girl is determined to keep going and going and going...  She usually has a toy, kitchen utensil, a sock, or a combo of all of them in her hand as she walks around.  It is the cutest, funniest thing!

-loves walking around and around the ottoman in the front room.  She babbles and "talks" while she goes around (usually counter-clockwise) and continues to do it long enough for mama to get the dishwasher loaded or get dinner started.  She'll stop every so often to clap without holding on, laugh at herself, and then continue on while babbling and talking.

-loves putting food into your mouth.  Especially when she's done eating a certain item at dinner and then she'll start feeding it to you.  Clever girl.

-has recently discovered metal bowls, pots, pans, and tupperware in the kitchen!  It's a magical thing for her to be handed a wooden spoon and a metal pot to bang on.  Best entertainment EVER.

-is getting a little more picky with what she eats.   One week she'll eat peas, the next she shakes her head "no" and will spit it out if it gets in her mouth.  Then the next week she's all about peas again.  Silly girl!  She'll almost always eat the following: Bananas, waffles, pancakes, yogurt, applesauce, veggie straws, Cheerios, and butternut squash mac and cheese.

-gets the cutest smile on her face when someone she recognizes walks through the door and frantically starts waving at them.

-raises her arms for when she wants to be picked up (mainly when she wakes up in the morning and wants to get in the tub).  It's one of Daddy's most favorite things she does.

-speaking of the bathtub, Rylee still LOVES baths!  Daddy will start the water going in the tub and once Rylee hears the water, she'll book it to the bathroom, pull herself up next to the tub, and put her hands up for Daddy to put her in the tub.  Hilarious.

-has 6 teefies with a couple more on the way!

-stands on her tiptoes to reach something that's just out of reach.

-still mauls her stuffed animals and nuzzles her head into them.

-is in full on tantrum mode.  She flails around, arches her back, and pounds her feet into the ground while full on crying and screaming.  We've learned to just put her on the carpet where she won't hurt herself and let her finish it out.  It usually doesn't last long and she gets over it fairly quickly.

-hates shoes.  Perhaps she gets this from her Great Grandma Billings?

-will nap in the car again.  But has stipulations on when she'll fall asleep!  She'll only fall asleep if she's in the car during her afternoon nap.  But hey, we'll take it!  She did a 6 hour car ride to Boise just fine with only a couple of stops and one nap and she stayed happy the entire time!  That's our girl!

-has kept the nicknames: Rylee Girl, Ry-Ry, Peanut

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