Monday, March 24, 2014

busy busy weekend.

Whoa.  This past weekend was packed and busy!  Saturday we'd planned to spend the majority of the morning on painting and building some things for the nursery at my parents house (props to my parents for trusting us and letting us use their garage and tools!).  Instead of "we," I should probably say that T ended up doing most of it... I had a hair appointment which ended up taking a little longer than expected, which meant T already had the blanket ladder built and put together and was ready to get started painting the dresser by the time I got there.

He works fast.  And he's kinda really attractive when he's scruffy and working big machinery.

We've gotten some adorable blankets for Baby Girl already and I wanted to have a special place that we could actually display them rather than have them hidden away in a drawer.  So T made a blanket ladder for Baby Girl's blankets.  It's kinda perfect.

We also snagged a dresser off of KSL a couple of weeks ago for a great price.  The guy had just finished redoing it.  It's a perfect Navajo White, the only thing we didn't like was the black on the top.  

Which T easily fixed by just spray-painting over the black and now we have a beautiful dresser and a well-built ladder for Baby Girl's room.

After those were done, we ran home and cleaned up so we could make the trip up to Ogden to see our new niece!  T's brother and his cute wife had their little girl that afternoon.  She's adorable.  They made one cute little gal.  We had a blast listening to them talk about the day and then meeting little Dylin.  She's got the cutest little fingers and toes and is so tiny- even for being an 8 lb. baby!  

It makes us look forward to giving Dylin a girl cousin to play with in a couple of months.  You could say we're pretty stoked.

Sunday was also busy and full of excitement.  Both T and I taught (he teaches Gospel Principles every week and I teach Relief Society every 4th sunday).  And I've gotta say, I felt like I had a spiritual Thanksgiving feast all day.  Sacrament meeting was fabulous- I was taking notes like a mad woman!  T's lesson was, as usual, fantastic.  Especially since we got to talk about Christ the entire lesson.  And my lesson?  I think it went pretty dang good.  Because for the first time, I wasn't nervous or anxious.  I wasn't afraid to be up in front of all of the sisters.  Which also meant I didn't cry from the get go.  That is a proud accomplishment for this gal.  Especially with pregnancy hormones raging!

It was also an awesome topic to teach on.  If you haven't read President Uchtdorf's talk from the last priesthood session, "You Can Do It Now!", then you better go read it now!  If I had only prepared that lesson for myself, it would've been worth it.  I needed to hear about how to get through our failures and how to get over them and not compare myself to others.  

It was a powerful talk with a powerful message.  It's one of those talks I'll be reading and listening to over and over again.  It can apply to so many different things!  It was a lesson that really hit my core and sparked a fire within me.  I've been a better person the past couple of days already because of it.  I've been a happier, more confident person.  Which, is difficult when you can be pretty sarcastic and pessimistic at times.

After church, T and I went home to finish prepping and making dinner for 11 family members who were coming over (it was our turn to make sunday dinner...).  And it was goood!  French Dip Sandwiches, fruit kebabs, and homemade french fries.  Not your usual sunday dinner, but definitely still delicious!  And that meat.  It fell apart the moment T picked it up out of the crockpot to shred.  He didn't even have to shred it!  Now THAT means it went well.

After our weekly ritual of visiting with the grandparents, we headed back home.  Where we saw the box with the crib and the unfinished rocker just screaming at us to put together and finish.  So what else could we do?  We spent the rest of the night putting them together!

T figured out how to cut off the fabric of our Jennylund chair from IKEA and attach plywood and 2 x 4's so we could put the rocker base on it.  It actually turned out easier than we thought!  And I loooove the rocker.  It's probably my favorite furniture piece in the nursery now.

Then we put the crib together and rearranged the room.  And celebrated getting all the big pieces done by making milkshakes.  We're so close to having the room ready.  And I'm super psyched for the crib bedding some of my colleagues and friends are working on.  Seriously.  I work with some awesome people!

T slept soundly last night.  Poor guy.  He was pretty tuckered out.

But we both agree.  It was a great weekend.  


  1. So when do we get to see pictures of this adorable nursery? Of course I'd take a personal tour too!

  2. I want to see pictures, too! and of your haircut! :)
