Thursday, October 16, 2014

Rylee at 5 months.

at 5 months Rylee...

-has found the finger sucking delicacy.  It started out with Uncle Brain's fingers and quickly moved to anyone else who had a tempting looking finger in close proximity. 

-doesn't suck her thumb, but does gnaw and chomp on it when no one else's finger is available.  

-loves it when you look at her and say, "Hi!"  She grins wider and brighter for that word than any other word.  Although she has been known to giggle and squeal if we bark like a dog to her.  Silly girl.

-has taken to rice cereal and is eating it like a champ!  She literally attacks the spoon and pulls it towards her mouth in order to eat the yumminess on it.  We crack up over it every night now.  Rice cereal has no chance of survival when it's around Rylee!

-smiles and laughs all the time!  She still love when someone blows a raspberry and has become ticklish under her chin.  She giggles and squeals at her aunts, uncles, and grandparents all of the time.  Especially her Daddy and Mama.  For some reason she finds them hilarious!

-has become successful at the open-mouth baby kiss (which does look alarmingly like a small human trying to eat your face off).  She also willingly shares drool and a mess of bubbles with anyone who comes in bubble spit range.

-is quite successful at her hand eye coordination.  She's been known to whack herself in the face numerous times because her grip is so tight and won't let go of a toy.  Her favorite toy is her Sophie the Giraffe and attacks it with full baby determination.  I'm surprised that Sophie isn't halfway down Rylee's throat most of the time.  She also loves her Taggie Owl and her whole body gets into the excitement of seeing one of her favorite beloved toys.

-is chewing on and sticking everything in her mouth.  We're 95.7% sure she's started the teething process.  

-is starting to sit up for a few seconds her and there.  She sits in her Bumbo likes she's been doing it for the better part of her baby life.  Though she does let us know when she's through by arching her back and throwing a major tantrum (usually the only time a tantrum happens).

-is practicing talking all day long.  All day.  I'm not sure if the high-pitched pterodactyl screams count though.  She's definitely making herself known during sacrament meeting and sunday school (she usually zonks out during the last hour of church).  In a cute baby way though that isn't annoying to the people around us.  She's only been fussy and screaming in church a couple of times.

-has been heard saying, "hi."  Obviously not on purpose, but hey, she's got the ability to say it.

-loves getting her diaper changed!  Every time she gets put on her changing table she trembles with anticipation of getting a clean diaper on her tush.  The best part is opening the diaper.  She's so proud of herself and gets so happy and smiley to have left you a little present!

-loves mirrors.  She's sit in front of one all day long if we let her.  

-loves her washcloth during bath time.  Forget the rubber duck and elephant toys, she'll take the washcloth over them every time.  She also screams when said washcloth is taken away.  Hashtag baby problems.

-still likes cuddling and snuggling before going down for a nap or to bed at night.  Though she is going to sleep after just a few minutes of a good cuddle.  We've also had to switch to using sleep sacks at night so she doesn't get cold.  She refuses to be swaddled in any way now and will end up playing with a blanket left in her vicinity when she goes to sleep.

-still sleeps for 10+ hours at night.  This baby is a gem of a kid.  She's been sleeping like this for months.  

-is obsessed with her feet and toes.  50% of her day is spent gnawing, chewing, sucking, and slobbering over the 10 digits found at the southern most part of her feet.  

-has retained the nicknames: Rylee Girl, Ry-Ry, Peanut, Smiley Rylee

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