Thursday, April 24, 2014

bits and pieces of the weekend.

Last weekend was busy busy!  T and I couldn't have been home more than an hour here and there.

On Friday my incredible colleagues threw me an awesome Baby Shower at school.  They had cute little pinwheel sandwiches, waffle cups with yogurt and fruit in them, chips and salsa, and yummy brownies and drinks.  They went all out and I'm ever so grateful for them!  Susan, Debbie, and Danielle have been my besties since I started teaching and I couldn't have asked for better teammates.  We definitely had to learn how to work together, but they really bent over backwards to make this shower nice for me.  

They were gracious enough to skip over the baby games (by my request...) and after everyone ate, we opened gifts!  And my oh my did we get some of the cutest stuff from the faculty and staff at Rock Canyon!  Blankets, baby girl clothes, diapers, wipes, and cute little stuffed animals were among the awesomeness we were given.

My parents even came to support me at the school shower.  Something they definitely didn't have to include in their already busy schedules, but that did because they're cool like that.  Even my Dad showed up!

Cierra, my buddy and friend who used to vacuum my room so nicely, brought her bird with her so he wouldn't have to roast in the car.  It took a liking to my Dad.  It stayed on everyone else's finger when we held it, but it climbed right up behind my Dad onto his shoulder.


Tyler and I convinced my parents to let us take them out to Tucano's to celebrate my late birthday and Dad's birthday on Monday.  They needed a break.  They've been putting in overtime taking care of both sets of grandparents, working, doing their busy church callings, and attempting to leave time for themselves and other things.

I don't know how they do it all nor do I see how they stay so happy.  But they do.  And they hardly ever complain. 

I think we enjoyed ourselves a little too much at Tucano's this time around.  Surprisingly enough, T was the first one to get full.  That never happens!  Baby Girl certainly got her fill of iron that day.

 After a scrumptious dinner, we walked the Riverwoods in search of a birthday gift for Mama Becky's birthday on Easter.  It was a relief for all 4 of us to just be walking with nowhere certain that we had to go or be.  It was nice.

Saturday was spent at the Baby Shower my family threw for us.  We got PLENTY of clothes for this little one to start out with and some other fun essentials we were hoping for.  We went and picked up the Stroller/Carseat travel system with the money we'd been getting and saving, along with a few other items we found coupons and deals on.  

Easter morning brought a battle of the Easter Egg Roll between T and I.  We usually join in with my family, but this year we did it between the two of us so we could head up to the Kussee's for Easter dinner.

Let it be known I've never won the Easter Egg Roll in my 25 years of living on earth.  I was convinced that this would be my year.  T was going down...

That obviously did not happen.  My darn egg cracked and T came out the winner.

Next year.  Next year.

After a great Stake Conference, we headed up to the Kussee's for yummy food and to celebrate Mama Becky's 50th birthday!  Papa Kris took us out for a Sunday Drive in his "new" bug.  T and Papa Kris have a thing for Volkswagon Bugs and I was in heaven.  A sunday drive?  In a red bug?  Can't get much better than that.  

I've always wanted a red bug.  I asked for one for my 16th birthday and my mom got me a toy-size version.  Maybe I can convince Papa Kris to give it to me down the road...

We got to visit with the rest of the family and see how much Baby Dylin has grown!  Sometimes a sunny day and good company is the perfect way to spend a Sunday.  Especially Easter Sunday!

We had a fabulous weekend with family and friends.  

Only 4 weekends left until Baby Girl is here!

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