Wednesday, July 16, 2014

2 month update

at two months Rylee...

-stretches for MILES! From day one she has had the biggest yawns and longest stretches.

-lives for the mornings! She is the most smiley after she wakes up in the morning and loves cooing and talking after her diaper is changed.

-loves her play yard jungle animals (her new found friends) and has taken a huge interest in them.  The conversations they have between each other are quite extensive.

-has found her voice!  She's cooing and baby talking to us like a pro.  It melts my heart everytime she opens that mouth of hers and out comes the cutest noises!

-is sleeping through the night every other night!  On the off nights, she only wakes up once and goes right back to sleep.  Two thumbs up from Mom and Dad!

-is a pro snuggler.  Seriously.  We melt everytime she snuggles close on our chests and falls asleep.  Is there any better feeling than a sleeping baby on your chest?!

-is working on tummytime (she does awesome for about 10 minutes and then falls asleep...) and loves to stand up on your lap.  She's this close to rolling over.

-loves to touch her hair. Sometimes even pulling it which results in screaming at her parents and wondering who is pulling her hair. Silly girl.

-gets the hiccups at least twice a day.

-prefers sucking her fisted hands over her pacifier. Yeah...

-has started talking to herself when she wakes up in the morning, rather than screaming with impatience and hunger.  She first wakes up with her coos, then moves to sucking her fists, and then starts screaming with impatience and hunger!

-loves to blow bubbles with her saliva.  Yet another adorable trait.

-goes to sleep listening to her water sounds at night.

-wants to lick everything within reach at random times during the day. Am I raising a baby or a puppy?!

-has started smiling the BIGGEST smiles when we give her kisses.  Kisses on her cheeks.  Kisses on her mouth.  Kisses on her feet.  I seriously can't handle it!

-has retained the nicknames: Smiley Rylee, Peanut, Ry-Ry, Rylee Girl, Thumper, Half-Pint

We're still bursting with pride and love over this precious little gal of ours!  We thank Heavenly Father for her on a daily, hourly basis.  I still find myself just staring at her while she sleeps and wondering how on earth we created and were blessed with such a perfect little girl.  The love we have for Rylee Girl is beyond anything I've felt before.  She's our tiny little gift from God and I can't believe He trusts us with such a sweet baby girl.  Rylee completes us.  She's made us the 2 luckiest people on earth!  She's the best part of our lives.

The best.

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