at three months Rylee...
-lives for mornings and nighttime! Her primetime is on the changing table right after she's got a clean diaper on. Then our concerned faced little girl bursts into smiles and becomes little miss chatterbox.
-loves raspberries! Not of the food variety. This girl is a raspberry blowing queen. Blowing a raspberry in her face when she's in a laughing mood gets her every time.
-has an extreme addiction to bubbles. Her own spit blowing bubbles to be exact. She churns bubbles like no one's business until they form a small waterfall and dribble down her chin and end in a petite little puddle on her chest. It's the one stage of life when drool is acceptable and cute!
-randomly cries in the middle of her naps. Perhaps night terrors are starting early on- The milk is all gone!
-is still developing the talent of stuffing her fist in her mouth. Once she gets it in, she extends her little fingers and proceeds to make herself gag. Apparently it's the new thing in the baby world. As long as she's not a thumb-sucker, we're good. One of these days I'll win the pacifier vs. fist battle.
-sleeps for 8 hours or more these days. We just need to work on getting her to go to bed a little earlier than 11:30.
-has already rolled over from her stomach to her back!
-loves standing while we hold her hands. If we aren't careful, this girl is going to be walking before she's crawling!
-loves her daddy. The moment he walks in the door and starts talking, she's looking for him and where his voice is coming from.
-loves looking up at trees and the light coming in through the leaves. Pretty sure she'd lay on a blanket underneath a grove of trees all day long and be a happy camper.
-cuddles every chance she gets. There's many a day where the most productive thing I get done is holding my Baby Girl and getting a good snuggle in. Perhaps she'll stay this way for a real long time? I'd be down.
-has finally started LAUGHING! After weeks of mama's hard work, Aunt Toady got Rylee's first laugh out. I almost died at how cute that little laugh was! Now the girl will laugh almost as often as she smiles.
-is her daddy's little girl. From her wavy hair and long legs to her critical analytical skills. Rylee only laughs at things that she actually thinks are funny. Otherwise, she's too busy figuring out the rest of her world.
-has started grabbing onto fingers and her blankets. Mainly her blankets. Which she has discovered are quite the delicacy.
-has fallen in love for the first time. With her toes. She refuses to go to sleep if there are blankets covering them. She kicks and squirms until the blanket only covers her legs and torso. Her hands must also be available at any time in case she needs them to snack on at night.
-has developed her first baby rolls! Itty bitty rolls high up on her thighs. They make me want to love on those little rolls all day long.
-nicknames: Baby Girl, Ry-Ry, Bubbles, Smiley, Thumper, Peanut
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